Our principles
We aim to be deliberately developmental, modeling the change we seek to create in the world. Our work is guided by the following principles:
We engage the whole person as part of the transformative learning process. We believe this is not just about adding skills, but shifting how people see themselves and the world. We offer a space where authenticity, difference, and curiosity are valued, where people feel seen, heard, and acknowledged for the wholeness of who they are.
We recognize the critical role interpersonal and facilitative skills play in systems leadership. For example, we engage in courageous conversations and see conflict as a catalyst for change, not an obstacle to growth.
We engage deep listening to support the future that wants to emerge. We are boldly iterative and committed to adapting our offerings in service of what’s needed.
We honor and engage multiple ways of knowing, including those sourced from spirit, heart, mind, and body. We lean into the ways of knowing that are underdeveloped in ourselves and in those we support.
We honor and engage all the ways we can never truly know, and practice finding stability in uncertainty during this complex time.
We see how the relational domain has been the site of countless past atrocities and are committed to practicing deep equity as a core foundation of our curriculum and approach.
We recognize that healing old wounds creates a strong foundation for a new future, and that healing needs to happen at multiple levels.
We create environments where openness, shared understanding, and mutual respect are the norm. We hold our perspectives lightly, and regularly invite inquiry into what else might be possible and how we might be wrong. In this way, we create the conditions for collective wisdom to emerge.
We build lightly and iteratively, ensuring that our programming is responsive and adding value to the existing landscape.